5 Things
Gina tagged me to complete my first meme...
5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago
1. Moving up to Idaho to attend college – Go Vikings!
2. Having so much fun with new roommates
3. Studying… just a little
4. Eating like a college student.
5. Starting a very part-time job at Melaleuca. Loved those free products.
5 Things on my to-do list today
1. Pick up after Emma
2. Work
3. Check up on my faculty intern
4. Watch Hell’s Kitchen with Dan
5. Grocery Shop
5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Popsicles
2. Brownies
3. Banana Bread
4. Anything Chocolate
5. Popcorn
5 Songs I know the lyrics to
1. I am a Child of God
2. Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
3. Anything from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack – Kathryn, I miss singing the parts with you.
4. I’m a Little Teapot
5. My Maria – this is my happy song!
5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire
1. Quit my job
2. Pay off our house
3. Go back to Europe and travel to many other locations.
4. Get a personal chef
5. Buy lots of diamonds for myself
5 Bad Habits
1. Not exercising enough
2. I’m a worry wart
3. Staying up too late at night
4. Don’t drink enough water during the day
5. Rolling my eyes
5 Things I'd never wear again
1. The belt buckle I won for Grand Champion Feeder Steer. (Much better as a trophy than as an accessory.)
2. Rockies…. They go with the buckle
3. Scrunchies
4. Wedding dress
5. Panty hose
5 Favorite toys
1. My laptop
2. My camera
3. Sewing machine & the new serger I just bought
4. My scrapbook/craft stuff
5. Digital Photo frame that Dan got for me.
Tag, you’re it!:
1. Leslie
2. Amanda
I didn't know you worked for Melaleuca! I tried to do sales for a bit, but it wasn't my style... I loved the products though!
Danell, how old are you?? Ten years ago? Are you not my age?
I am just reading the other tags. I have to agree with the diamonds, wouldn't that be nice..:0)! Cute little one you have there.
Gina-did you join or did you work for the company?
Leslie, yep I'm getting old - 29!
Thanks for visiting Ashley - Yes diamonds are a girl's best friend. I'll have to head over and check out your blog. :) Thanks for stopping by.
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